1964年茨城県小美玉市生まれ。1935年創業の木製建具を手がける安達建具株式会社の3代目。一級技能士。建具の製作に長年従事し、2021年 釘を使わず細かい木を組み込んで華やかな幾何学模様を作る「組子」の技術により、厚生労働省から「現代の名工」に選ばれる。免許・資格、団体歴、受賞を重ね、2022年黄綬褒章を受賞。現在は、茨城県家具建具技能士会の会長など務め、後進の育成にも注力する。
Born in Omitama City, Ibaraki Prefecture in 1964. the third generation owner of Adachi Tategu Co., Ltd a wooden fittings store founded in 1935. First class engineer. I engaged in the manufacture of building materials for many years and in 2021, I was selected as a “Contemporary Master Craftsman” by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for my “kumiko” technique, which involves joining small pieces of wood together without using nails to create gorgeous geometric patterns. I have accumulated licenses, qualifications, organizational history, awards, and in 2022 , awarded the Yellow Ribbon Medal. currently serves as the chairman of the Ibaraki Prefecture Furniture and Fittings Craftsmen Association and is committed to nurturing the next generation of craftsmen.
Recent wooden fixtures have changed considerably due to architectural styles, but I plan to incorporate designs such as the old fashioned “Kumiko” to modern era.